Post Surgery Care

After your hair transplant surgery, it is important to take proper care of your scalp to ensure a smooth healing process and optimal results.

Here are some guidelines to follow:

Rest and Minimal Activity:
Take it easy for at least one day after the surgery, avoiding strenuous physical activities. You can typically return to work in a day or two, as long as it does not involve vigorous physical exertion.

Follow-Up Call:
Expect a check-in call from your Patient Advisor or the surgeon’s office the day after your procedure to see if you need to visit the office (this is usually not necessary for most patients).

Elevation and Sleep Positioning:
For the first one to three nights, sleep with your head elevated at a 45-degree angle to reduce swelling and promote comfort.

Avoid Aspirin and Alcohol:
Refrain from using aspirin or aspirin-containing products and avoid alcohol for three to five days after the surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Bleeding at Incision Sites:
Minor bleeding at the incision sites is normal for a few days after the surgery. Apply a gauze pad with firm, steady pressure for about 15 minutes if bleeding occurs. Do not lift the gauze during this time. Contact the office if bleeding persists.

Dislodged Grafts:
While rare, a graft may get dislodged or combed out within the first few days. If this happens, it is nothing to panic about, as it usually only